Today we were able to experience a lovely tradition called Hatsumode in Tokyo, offering first prayers at the Meiji -Jingu Shrine. While doing it, I realised how clear my mind had become in the last week, when digitally disconnected.
A clear mental space is so precious in today's age and day of information bombardment and social media. If it's possible to keep the mind space clear, even treat it as sacred, we all can achieve, be happy and peaceful.
As I will be stepping into a packed year, I want to lean in on 3 things to manage my mental space:
1) Self awareness
To become aware of thoughts and emotions, have the discerning power to know what thoughts serve us and what does not.
2) Self-control and discipline:
This is most important, but toughest to do. It's tough to get over the dopamine high tailored into smart phones and social media. Self-awareness combined with discipline is the only way.
3) Service and compassion:
It's so easy to get caught up with goals and personal matters. A little service mentality goes a long way in bringing fulfilment. It needn't be big, something as small as kind words, appreciation and encouragement can make another person's day/life.
To Power Up in 2025, I wish you all great health at all levels.
What would you add to power up with a clear mind space?